The gulf of Igoumenitsa

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to nothing; and every home divided against itself will not stand.

Matthew 12: 25. (Jesus is being accused of casting out a demon by using Satan and this is His answer. An interesting miracle)

Situated on the northwestern edge of the Gulf of Igoumenitsa are seven miles of beach named Drepanos and Makrygiali. Far in the distance from this area you can see Corfu.

These are blue flag beaches with crystal clear water.
At this time of year only a very few people are swimming or camping , but clearly this poet enjoyed these Ionian waters at some time.

Here is Fatos Arapi’ s poem about swimming in these seas. (He was an Albanian poet, short story writer, translator and journalist who in 2008 won the Golden Wreath Award. He lived from 1930 to 2018.)

I dived into the waters of the Ionian Sea,
Into its hues and light.
I swim in a blaze of mirages,
Their sparkle captivates me, Makes me quiver... And I feel,
Shooting through my soul,
Like azure currents of joy,
The very light and hues of the
Ionian Sea
Like azure currents of joy.


These scallop shells are from where the beach has a lot of little crushed mostly white scallop shells.
It is said that a scallop produces a ridge a day – so you can work out its age. Bangor University found evidence of a 400 – year- old clam.

Archaeologists found what is thought to be the first seashell collection in the ruins of Pompei , dating back to 74 AD.

It is a special experience to eat local food and here is a selection.

The menu included meat dishes but here are some traditional vegetarian dishes:
In the foreground ‘baked big beans’ , (that was its name up on the board) spinach pie ,
warm winter greens with oil and lemon.
and don’t forget the fried cheese with sesame and honey.

There is a saying that started here in Greece: ” to spill the beans” . Normally, it means to give away a secret but in ancient Greece it had a literal meaning because people used beans to vote. The big white bean ( butter bean) was used as a positive vote and any other colour negative. Voting was anonymous and done in secret so if someone accidentally or intentionally knocked over the jar they ” spilled the beans” and revealed the result of the votes prematurely.

The sea is clearing away what a father and two sons built this morning when the sun was out and the wind breathless. Now the wind is strong and they have travelled on.

The day has ended.
The wind has settled.
The sea is flat.
The sea still makes a sound when you listen.
If your thoughts are kind it lulls you to sleep.

Or is it the moon and the wind?
A pulling and folding over of water
A rhythmical thud on the shore.

Sandy 🙂

Greece as it was for us. A time to cherish. Thank you for sharing .

8 thoughts on “The gulf of Igoumenitsa

  1. Ah, I felt I was there! Spill the beans-how interesting. Everything beautiful. So glad you’re having a good time. 🐠

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