A cycle ride along Drepanos and Makrygiali beaches.

The hills sing glory to the Lord

Isaiah 55: 12 ( Just a small part of this verse but this is how this cycle ride made me feel.)
It is what you can’t see.
It is above the top tip of a sage plant and in the next pond,
a great white egret/ heron.
There are many of them.
They stand in there reflections in this shallow water waiting for
fish, insects and amphibians to approach.
Their dagger like bill then comes into action.

What you can see is a watery sky below and a wide open one above. Yellow sage is starting to bloom and maybe some pink Tamarisk. There is so much of it in bloom it makes softness of the blue.

These are goats and in the foreground one of two Greek sheepdogs.
They were so particular about how close I came to their charges that this is all I could get.
No paparazzi allowed!

I had to find out about these dogs. Here are the words used to describe them: ‘ independent, brave, decisive, loyal, with a high sense of duty and strong protection instinct.’ The ones I met were all of this. I met one later lying on the tar with all the goats around him as I past he got up and shepherded them towards the sea. This is when I took this picture. They are amazing . There was no one looking after these goats only two dogs and the goats obeyed them.

The road back to camp.
Mature Eucalyptus trees lining it as we get closer.
Weathered tar in the foreground.
Fine sand ,heat and sea water
an unkind combination .

We cycled 10 miles in all most of it between a fresh water lagoon and the sea except for part of the way where we had lagoon on both sides . This was where the beautiful white herons were as well as a red legged, black winged birds with a white body and black head. Quite stylish I would say. They were scooping mud but not stopping to taste.

A quiet morning ride. The afternoon wind started as we returned.

Thank you for looking at this part of Greece. My admiration is for the dogs!

Sandy 🙂

6 thoughts on “A cycle ride along Drepanos and Makrygiali beaches.

  1. Love dogs (and goats!) I once delivered a package to a house with a long walk and a serious, take no prisoners, herd dog. I spoke softly and kept an eye on her, but the moment her owner opened the door, she collapsed into my side like I was her long lost buddy. Greece – I’ve always wanted to go!

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