Bay, a tree and the Axminster clock.

Let people be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to get angry, for anger does not produce the righteousness of God.

James 1 : 19 -20( Some of Sandy’s wording.)
A twig of bay.
The ripples of the leaf edges ,the curve of the stem
Simply a stalk of

The bay is a laurel of bright , victory wreaths, but it is a word with different meanings:

To hold at bay.

To keep at bay.

Meaning : to control something and prevent it from causing trouble.

Colour and verb :

A bay dog baying at the moon.


A bay window, a main division of structure

She sat in the bay window
That old bay tree outside
The memory of a church clock
It's hands nearly at 12

The bay in a pot once so young now 35
A new pot
New soil
New place
Would that stop the yellow leaves from coming?

What must it be like to be the tree in front of the Axminster clock?

No keeping time at bay.
Sandy 🙂

Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.

Will Rogers ( 1879 – 1935 American citizen of the Cherokee Nation in the Indian Territory. He was an entertainer and humorist.)

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

Bertrand Russell (1872 -1970  mathematician and philosopher. )

The clock and the tree in Axminster.
No tree keeps time at bay.

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.

Michael Alshuler press on his name and you may listen to Michael speak ” The secret to winning in Life” he ends with a story and a  poem I really appreciated.

I hope all is well.

Sandy 🙂

7 thoughts on “Bay, a tree and the Axminster clock.

  1. Sandy, a lovely poem and reflections on the multiple meaning of the word bay! Your bay tree is pretty and wow, you’ve had it for such a long time! Our bay tree outgrew the garden and was cut down a few years ago – but I still miss it! How true, there is no way to keep time at bay – even March is marching on apace! 😀

    1. I must put that 35 year old bay in a pot with more drainage holes this pot only has one. It sends roots through them. I still miss some of the shrubs and trees we had in our garden.Thank you for reading and your detailed comment.

    1. Ah, the painting is on its side and only the middle shown. I had a good time then thought it looked “too tried” so made up a whole lot of small branches flying out! Thank you for looking at it!🤗

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