Goodbye Greece

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen

Paul ‘s ending to his second letter to the Corinthians.
Our first campsite in Greece.

Goodbye..? Oh no, please. Can’t, we go back and do it all again?

Winnie The Pooh by AA Milne
Ageing textures
Traditional food.
The fellow campers

How lucky I am to have something (memories) that makes saying goodbye so hard.

Winnie The Pooh by AA Milne
All the places we stayed.

Thank you to Roy for making this experience so …

Interest packed



by choosing sights to park and managing our time to cover as much as we did.

Happy Birthday Darling Roy.

Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 (Paul writing to those in Thessaloniki but it is timeless in what it says to us all.)

Sandy 🙂

9 thoughts on “Goodbye Greece

  1. Lovely memories! Beautiful photo through the window of Bugzy. Happy birthday to Roy – tried to phone earlier. Travel safely. xx

  2. What a truly amazing adventure through Greece, much enjoyed the map to see the traveling you did, WOW! How many miles and days was this trip? I can still think back and remember your posts on many of the places; I much enjoyed traveling along, getting a beautiful personal tour from you. Kudos to Roy for his expertise in creating the trip (I did that for us and my husband was always delighted with my trips and camp spots, well a couple were tight but we made it, hehe 🙂 ). Happy Birthday, Roy! Thanks for sharing your trip, Sandy! Reading your camping adventures kinda makes me want to get back on the road again and see more of our country, I do still have a long bucket list of places. 🙂

    1. Just confirmed with Roy we have done 4,200 miles since we left England and 9 weeks in Greece. Glad this has inspired you to see your own beautiful country some more. We have a beautiful earth inspite of our strange weather and all that goes on. Glad we shared some of this part successfully .🙂

      1. Awesome, you (and sharing with us) saw quite a bit of amazing history in just nine weeks. Our biggest year was 2021 with almost 10,000 miles/4 months (driving the motorhome to campsites and then additional miles onto our car driving around to sightsee). We needed to stay away from people and Covid, and it worked for us. 🙂 But my husband was READY to go home by end of August, lol, he was done done seeing and driving.

  3. Happy birthday Roy!🎂🍧💐 I am sure you had a wonderful time travelling and exploring Greece. Safe journey homewards.

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