Remembering a school painting and then another.

Dear God,

Be close to all of us on Earth’s eye, the apple of your eye, keep us held close in your mind whether we live or die.


I asked my sister in Africa quite innocently this question:

“Do you remember seeing a painting on the inside of the airing cupboard door? The cream door next to the bathroom.”

Within a moment, she said, “Yes.”

” It was a tree held up by sellotape, crisp and yellow!” (no blue tack then.)

This is how that painting happened: I had just started high school when the art teacher asked us to produce a picture of a group of people. I eagerly went to work and soon had something to show.

The centre of the painting had a tree, in that tree were heads and legs . Children, having a wonderful time!

I remember working out that the limbs and heads made nine bodies with a person standing at a bus stop.

I was satisfied.

The teacher looked into my painting and then into my face.

” Ten people, Sandra!”

“Yes, standing waiting for the bus. The kids got bored and climbed the tree.”

She then said : “Did you hammer the branches on with nails.”

No answer!

I was puzzled by her stupidity. I had seen plenty of trees with awkward looking branches.

So where was that painting?

On the airing cupboard door.

On the inside.

Now another painting.

Thursday evening, I sat down to look at the poinsettia plant. This went through my mind. Each bracet/ leaf has a point and then joins a stalk. Even if you can’t see that stalk in your imagination, you should be able to see it.

I painted the left side of the painting, and then during the night, the fever got to me, so I took paracetamol and painted the right!

Looking at it this evening, the left has a centre in the wrong place, and then the leaves seem odd in their position. I wondered if I could take a photo like I painted from the plant while feverish in the night.

So here are the two. A painting with a memory. ( diary painting)

The start of covid at Christmas. It will all be fine. There is no fear anymore, and while in Henley on Thames, I bought a frozen Christmas dinner.

Lots of us are getting sick here.

Stay well.

Sandy 🙂

Some thoughts about confusion.

I’m not lost, I’m just taking a detour through the land of confusion.

I’m not confused, I’m just seeing things from a different angle than everyone else.

Gabriel Cruz

This afternoon, dressed warmly, I went to see a tree. Here it is. I can’t turn it.

An oak holding up ivy, or is it the other way round.

10 thoughts on “Remembering a school painting and then another.

  1. Oh dear! I hope you are feeling a bit better now and I hope your Christmas dinner was enjoyed. I know of such art teachers whose words have torchered students for years to come. I am so glad you have not been crushed by someone else’s perception of what you were supposed to do.

    I like your video too. You too are very creative,

      1. Yes if we want it perfect a camera would do but it can’t do interpretation. You are right. I like that. May the enjoyment of doing art lift you and nurture you. 💖🤗

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