2023 Flowers part 2

Jesus is saying something He wants you to hear:

” Don’t let anyone deceive you because many will come saying ‘I am the Christ; ‘ and will deceive many.”

The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvellous works in our sight. So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scripture.

Matthew 24: 4 EG White
Brown and cream, you have seen it before
Purple and fluffy before that.
Do you remember?
Seen once, twice and now a third time.
Because I needed to see it.

We grow older, but we do not change. We become more sophisticated, but at bottom we continue to resemble our young selves, eager to listen to the next story and the next, and the next.

Paul Auster
The first look with touch:
Fresh, soft, and firm

The second was dry stem between fingers and gentle movements working with paper thin petal and leaf.

The third time was no touch at all. It was paint in colour on brush.

Three times I have paid attention to what I chose.
The last resembles the real.

Only thought can resemble. It resembles by being what it sees, hears, or knows. It becomes what the world offers it.

The cardoon buried at the back, but present.
Rene Magritte 1898- 1967

Rene Magritte was a Belgian Surrealist artist known for his depictions of familiar objects in unfamiliar unexpected contexts. Press on The False Mirror by Rene Magritte if you want to see a small example of what he has left the world.

The third time. The Cardoon is present.

Thank you for looking at part 2 of the flowers from 2023.

Sandy 🙂

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