Balloon seed pods, little Robin, bouncing Bess

So what advantage is there if you own everything in the whole world and suffer the loss of not being remembered by God.

Mark 8 :36 (I think it best you read it. This is really Sandy’s summary. )

Look closely at the cup. I will show you what you can’t see. The parts of a whole.

The humour of the artist.

Looking inside the cup.

This morning, it was only the yellow of the potted balloon flowers’ leaves that said autumn was on its way. All our trees are still green.

Pictures of the bird on the tea cup and the detailed plant material make a whole from the garden, and here is a thought.

Once the realisation is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.

Rainer Maria Rilke 1875-1926 am Austriam Poet.

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.

Sydney J Harris

Then, the last thought by Dr. Seuss:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.

Much to think about for me. Thank you for thinking with me.

Sandy 🙂

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