Finding things out about our new home the old cottage.

“By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24 : 3-4

The Teddy I never loved. A circular frame of me and our boys as we were when we lived in the cottage. Then a school project which shows our home very much as it was.

There are three ‘find out moments’ and a scary one that come to mind.

The ceiling in the back bedroom was visibly sagging in the middle. Mum and Dad came down from Yorkshire . They too agreed it needed to go. It had been there ninety odd years and it did not give in easily. We had to work at it. Mum and I with scarves tied round our hair, nose and mouth, our eyes circled in grey dust and nostrils filled with a sweet, musty, urine smell. We shovelled and swept chunks, crumbles and sharp bits trying to keep up with the men who were working fast. It was a full day of work!

The room was cleared and Roy and Dad Brian put a ceiling up.

The fact of thin walls in the kitchen was a known. It was easy to hear the neighbours having breakfast but how thin? This was the next thing we found out. Roy was putting up the kitchen cupboards when the drill bit started to spin.

” Hey you are through!” Shouted the neighbour.

The wall had to be shown far more respect from then on than expected.

The third ‘find out ‘ and scary moment involved the bathroom which was still in the early stages with not much ceiling. I was sitting in the bath one late afternoon when I heard my neighbour and his son as though they were right in the room. He was telling the child exactly where to put a box. I was stunned. The answer was simple, our loft had no dividing wall. They had floored their half out but ours wasn’t! Finding this out meant that the wall could be built while everything was in progress. An important fire prevention requirement.

Then there was that tall ladder. There were two. A father and his adult son were preparing the external walls to paint them. The ladder in question was up to the top window of the bathroom. Both men had gone for lunch. I rushed upstairs and it seemed that within no time I noticed a little head at the window. Up it came. My little son.

” Hello Mummy! I can see you!”

He was holding on to the ladder with one hand eating an apple with the other. Time stopped. I said very gently that he was very clever. Walked slowly to the door changed into lightning and was down those stairs. I had to steady the ladder and talk him down. I wasn’t strong enough to hold him and steady the ladder. We did it. No ladders left up after that!!!

Our cottage as it stands on the bend of a road.
The place where we found out more about ourselves and our limits than we did about the cottage.
I made this rag rug out of some of our worn out clothes .
It was done over a number of years while living in this dear place.

Thank you for letting me share with you.

Sandy 🙂

Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love.

Nate Berkus ( Interior designer)

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