A Sabbath walk to where the blue bells used to be.

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, when all who are in the graves shall hear His voice.

John 5:28
A path  with thick white clover patches leads to a narrow passage…
then duck under and squeeze past prickly blackberry vines growing thick
and soon there are brown open paths
where further on lady fern is growing in most places where  the blue bell bulbs are hiding
till spring comes again.
Then back past a reflective ditch!

Yesterday was thirty one,  hot  for us. This afternoon had a chilling wind, a little rain and definitely a jersey on! Here are some quotes about clover:

The sweetness of life lies in usefulness like honey deep in the heart of a clover bloom.🤗

Laura Ingalls Wilder ( An American writer of  Little House on the Prairie, a  series of children’s books. Born 1867 died 1957)

A best friend is like a four leaf clover hard to find and lucky to have.❤


4 thoughts on “A Sabbath walk to where the blue bells used to be.

  1. This trail is gorgeous! A place I’d like to explore for sure. I have lovely clover memories from when I was a small girl. My grandmother, with whom I spent most of my time, had lots of it in her backyard. I cannot tell you how many hours I sat in patches of it searching for 4 leaf clovers & stringing together its flowers to make garlands for my head! Thanks for the images & memories! 🌞

  2. Beautiful description and photos of your walk. Wish I could go on them with you. Maybe one-day…

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