Picked and unpicked daffodils

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.

Psalms 96:9
Their stems may be snapped by Eunice (our storm for 18 Feb 2022)
I brought them in
They may have their petals bruised and torn
I brought them in
There may be no storm and the red alerts all wrong
I brought them in
They are my delight and they are
here as I write
I brought them in
There are others in the grass showing colour through their cases
Their stems short and not available to the bend and snap of the predicted storm.
How I love you respectfully with
your meaning of rebirth and new beginnings
I brought you in.

Sandy / Sandra Pilmoor

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.


10 thoughts on “Picked and unpicked daffodils

  1. Awww Sandy you always have the most beautiful words and you always capture the most beautiful pictures. Those are the most beautiful flowers, just like your beautiful soul. May God bless you always. ❤🤗🙏👍

    1. Thank you 😊💓 I hope and pray that with God’s help nature will help us see Him more clearly. I hope your day is fine ours is predicted to be windy.

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  2. Such beauty! I’m glad you brought them in🥰. Spring is coming and I’m looking forward to your posts🌸.

    1. Thank you so much Shelly. Once this wind stops I want go looking for wild snowdrops. I have some in the garden but I want to see them in the wild. I will share them. You shared so much of the wilds of the mountains I feel quite “homesick”. Happy Sabbath 😊🤗🥰

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