Day 4 Bagnoles de l’orne (Wed evening) and Le Mans (Thursday afternoon)

Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings.

Hebrews 10:22

It was late afternoon when we arrived in Bagnoles. We decided to take a walk to find the hot water pools. It turned out to be more difficult than we thought but we saw some things of interest but not the pools!

This was on a board outside Sacre- Couer church.
I tried to understand the reasoning for this unusual well executed painting of the steps leading to this Art Deco church. It was early evening and no one to talk to so it is still a mystery to me.
This is a thermal town and the water running along this canal beside the road is warm. There is an interesting mural on the side of this hotel showing a man at the top of a ladder.
I was fascinated by this.” Thank you for not stepping on the work.”

Le Mans at 3 pm.

In the third century, the first barbarian invasions plunge the Roman Empire into a serious crisis. The towns which had up to that point been open , shut their administrations in behind protective ramparts: the castrum. The castrum of Le Mans was built during the 280sAD.
There are 1.3km of wall still in existence.
A “man hole” cover with a stylish crest.
Bunting advertising the Book Fair. There are 200 authors, 80 publishers and 30,000 visitors. It is celebrating French authors of most gendres with many workshops and debates. A few people are wearing covid masks and entering small shops with them on. A few restaurants are asking to see our Pass Sanitaire if we go to eat. We choose to eat outside.
This shop front with its piles of books and an interested lady grabbed my attention. Notice the regal shape of the chairs.
A billboard advertising the Book Fair.
It is difficult not to notice that it is the year of the white trainer.

Faith obliterates time, annihilates distance, and brings future things at once into its possessions.

Charles H. Spurgeon

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